- 打招呼和问候:开头部分用友好和亲切的语言打招呼,并表达对客户的问候和祝福。
- 公司介绍和价值主张:简要介绍你所代表的公司,并突出你的核心价值主张或专业领域。
- 产品或服务亮点:强调你所提供的产品或服务的特点、优势和独特之处。这部分可以简要列举你的产品或服务的主要特点,以引起客户的兴趣。
- 意向和合作探讨:表达与客户合作的意愿,并提出进一步讨论的建议,例如安排电话或会议。同时,表明你愿意分享更多信息、样品或成功案例,以便客户了解更多。
- 结尾和再次感谢:礼貌地结束信件,表达对客户考虑合作的感谢之情,并表示期待与客户进一步交流。
- 开发信内容不要太长,要不重点不突出,客户没有耐心看完。
- 营销意图不要太明显,容易引起反感。
- 推送不要太频繁,容易被屏蔽、拉黑,或者被举报。
- 不要在客户休息时间推送,不但会降低打开率,而且会打扰到对方。

WhatsApp VS 传统渠道
- WhatsApp的打开率高达98%,远远超过邮件的21%,这意味着更高的营销转化率。
- 邮件响应速度取决于对方什么时候查看邮箱,但WhatsApp能够实时接收信息,甚至能查看对方是否已读。
- 邮件很有可能会被识别为垃圾邮件,但WhatsApp的消息永远不会,消息触达率高达99%。
- WhatsApp发送消息完全免费,但短信多多少少都会增加一部分的费用。
- 短信字数有限,不能发送复杂的营销信息。
- 短信的信息格式很有局限,很难达到吸引人的视觉效果,但WhatsApp支持表情、文字、图片、音视频等。

Hi [Client's Name], Hope you're well! I'm from [Your Company], a leading supplier of premium agricultural equipment. We provide cutting-edge machinery for efficient farming, including advanced irrigation systems, precision seeders, and automated harvesters. Our solutions are designed to increase productivity and optimize crop yield. I'd love to chat about how our agricultural equipment can benefit your farming operations. Let's connect for a call or a meeting to discuss further. If you'd like, I can also share more details and product demos. Looking forward to hearing from you soon! Best regards, [Your Name] [Your Company] [Your Contact Information]
Hey [Client's Name]! I hope you're having a fantastic day. I represent [Your Company], a leading provider of exquisite home decor and furnishings. We offer a wide range of stylish and functional products, including furniture, lighting fixtures, and decorative accessories. Our goal is to create beautiful and comfortable living spaces. I'd love to discuss how our home decor solutions can add a touch of elegance to your projects.Let's schedule a call or a meeting to explore the possibilities. If you're interested, I can also share our catalog and provide design inspiration. Looking forward to connecting with you soon! Warm regards, [Your Name] [Your Company] [Your Contact Information]
Hi [Client's Name], Hope you're having a great day! I'm reaching out from [Your Company], a leading supplier of high-quality food and beverages. We offer a wide range of delicious and nutritious products, including organic snacks, premium beverages, and specialty ingredients. Our focus is on providing exceptional taste and top-notch quality. I'd love to discuss how our food and beverage products can enrich your menu and delight your customers. Let's schedule a call or a meeting to discuss the possibilities. If you're interested, I can also provide product samples and pricing details. Looking forward to connecting with you soon! Best regards, [Your Name] [Your Company] [Your Contact Information
以上就是我们今天分享的外贸客户开发信的技巧和内容了。 如果您已经编辑好了满意的WhatsApp的外贸开发信,希望这些开发信更高效地覆盖您的潜在客户,您可以通过WADesk的群发消息功能开发并转化客户。如果在沟通过程中涉及跨语言交流,实时翻译功能可以帮助我们进行流畅的对话。客户信息管理功能方便我们记录各种信息,个性化跟进客户,以提高满意度和体验。