
永久禁封是WhatsApp官方对严重违规行为采取的惩罚措施,账号将无法再次使用 WhatsApp,也无法自动恢复。用户会收到“此账号无法再使用WhatsApp”或类似消息,且不会被告知封号原因,这时则需要提交申诉请求或使用新号码注册WhatsApp账号。

使用未授权的 WhatsApp 版本
不少安卓用户会去下载第三方修改版的WhatsApp,例如 WhatsApp Plus、GB WhatsApp 等,虽然这些破解版的WhatsApp可能会有更多功能,但使用未经授权的版本可能会导致账号被封禁。
频繁将大量陌生人添加到 WhatsApp 群组中,特别是在没有用户同意的情况下,可能被视为滥用群组功能,从而被封号。
如果频繁收到来自他人的投诉或举报,官方会判定该账号可能涉及骚扰、发送不当内容或其他不符合 WhatsApp 社区准则的行为。
申诉邮箱:[email protected]
- 重新下载WhatsApp应用程序。
- 打开应用程序,输入被封锁的手机号码,点击“下一步”。
- 点击“支持”。
- 输入系统发送的6位数字验证码。
- 填写审查申请并上传佐证资料。
- 登录WhatsApp联系页面。
- 根据你的WhatsApp账号类型,选择个人版或商业版支持。
- 个人版支持:填写在线联系表格;商业版支持:发送申诉邮件到[email protected]
- 基本万能模板
主题:Request for Account Unban
Dear WhatsApp Support Team,
I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to request the reinstatement of my WhatsApp account, which appears to have been temporarily suspended. I believe this may have been a misunderstanding or an error.
Here are the details of my account:
Phone number associated with WhatsApp: [Your phone number with country code]
Account name: [Your name]
If my account has been suspended due to any activity that violated the terms of service, I sincerely apologize for any unintentional actions and assure you that I will adhere to the guidelines going forward. Kindly let me know what actions I can take to resolve this issue and restore my access to my account.
I appreciate your prompt attention to this matter, and I look forward to your response.
Best regards,
[Your name]
主题:Request for Account Unban - No Violation of Terms
Dear WhatsApp Support Team,
I am reaching out regarding the suspension of my WhatsApp account (phone number: +[Your Phone Number]). I believe that my account was mistakenly flagged and would like to provide clarification.
I have reviewed WhatsApp’s terms of service, and I am confident that my account has not violated any of these rules. I have not engaged in spamming, bulk messaging, or any other prohibited activities. Please review my account, and if you require any further information or evidence, I will be happy to provide it.
I kindly ask you to reconsider the suspension of my account and restore it as soon as possible.
Thank you for your understanding and support.
Best regards,
[Your Name]
[Your Email Address]
[Your Phone Number]
- 针对误封的模板
主题:Appeal for Account Unban - [Your Phone Number]
Dear WhatsApp Support Team,
I hope you are doing well. I am contacting you in regard to the recent suspension of my WhatsApp account linked to the phone number [Your phone number with country code]. I believe this suspension might have been a mistake or misunderstanding, as I have not engaged in any activity that would violate WhatsApp’s terms of service.
I would like to request a thorough review of my account and ask for the reinstatement of my access as soon as possible. If the suspension was triggered by an activity that I may not have been aware of, I would appreciate guidance on how to rectify it.
Please let me know if any additional information is required to assist with this request.
Thank you for your understanding and prompt resolution of this issue.
[Your Name]
主题:Request for WhatsApp Account Unban Due to Misunderstanding
Dear WhatsApp Support Team,
I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to request the reactivation of my WhatsApp account (phone number: +[Your Phone Number]), which has been temporarily banned.
I believe this ban was issued in error, as I have always followed WhatsApp’s terms and conditions and have not engaged in any activities that violate your policies. If my account was mistakenly flagged for any reason, I kindly request a review of the situation and the reactivation of my account.
Please let me know if you need any further information from my side. I appreciate your assistance and hope to have my account reinstated soon.
Thank you for your time and understanding.
Best regards,
[Your Name]
[Your Email Address]
[Your Phone Number]
- 承认可能出现的违规行为并请求解封
主题:Request for Account Unban - [Your Phone Number]
Dear WhatsApp Support Team,
I am reaching out to request the reinstatement of my WhatsApp account associated with the phone number [Your phone number with country code]. I understand that my account was recently banned, and I would like to sincerely apologize for any actions that may have led to this decision.
I acknowledge that I may have unknowingly violated WhatsApp's terms of service, and I am committed to following all guidelines going forward. I kindly ask for the opportunity to rectify this situation and regain access to my account.
If possible, please provide more details regarding the reason for the ban and let me know the steps I can take to ensure compliance with WhatsApp's policies in the future.
Thank you for your understanding and support.
Best regards,
[Your Name]
主题:Apology and Request for WhatsApp Account Unban
Dear WhatsApp Support Team,
I am writing to express my apologies for any actions that may have led to the suspension of my WhatsApp account (phone number: +[Your Phone Number]). If my activities on WhatsApp inadvertently violated the platform's policies, I sincerely apologize and assure you that it was not intentional.
I kindly request a review of my account and the possibility of lifting the suspension. I value WhatsApp as an essential communication tool, and I am committed to following all of your community guidelines in the future.
Please let me know if there is anything else I can do to resolve this matter.
Thank you for your consideration and support.
Best regards,
[Your Name]
[Your Email Address]
[Your Phone Number]
- 群发信息引起封号
主题:Appeal for Account Suspension - [Your Phone Number]
Dear WhatsApp Support Team,
I am writing to address the suspension of my WhatsApp account (associated with phone number [Your phone number with country code]). It appears that my account was suspended due to activity related to sending bulk messages. I understand that this type of behavior is against WhatsApp’s policies, and I deeply apologize for any inconvenience caused.
I now realize the importance of adhering to the platform's guidelines and am committed to changing my behavior moving forward. I would like to request that you kindly reconsider the suspension and provide me the opportunity to use WhatsApp in a compliant manner.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your guidance and the opportunity to regain access to my account.
Best regards,
[Your Name]
主题:Apology and Request for Account Unban Due to Mass Messaging
主题:Apology and Request for Account Unban Due to Mass Messaging
Dear WhatsApp Support Team,
I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to sincerely apologize for my actions that led to the suspension of my account. I understand that I violated WhatsApp's terms of service by engaging in mass messaging, and I fully acknowledge that this was an error in judgment.
At the time, my intention was not to cause disruption, but I now realize that my actions may have been perceived as spam and impacted the user experience of others. I deeply regret this mistake and assure you that I will refrain from such actions in the future.
I kindly request you to review my account and consider lifting the suspension. I value WhatsApp as an essential communication tool and am committed to following all guidelines to ensure a safe and positive experience for everyone.
Thank you for your understanding and consideration. I look forward to your response.
Best regards,
[Your Name]
[Your WhatsApp Number]
- 强调账户的重要性并请求快速解封
主题:Request for Urgent Account Reactivation
Dear WhatsApp Support,
I am writing to request the urgent reactivation of my WhatsApp account (phone number: +[Your Phone Number]), which has been suspended. This account is crucial for my personal communication and work-related purposes, and I am unable to use WhatsApp to connect with friends, family, and colleagues.
If my account has been suspended due to any unintentional violation of your policies, I apologize for the oversight and am committed to rectifying any issues. I kindly ask for a swift review and the reactivation of my account.
Please let me know if there is anything else I need to do to resolve this matter.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this request.
Best regards,
[Your Name]
[Your Email Address]
[Your Phone Number]
主题:Request for Immediate Account Unban – Urgent Need for WhatsApp Access
Dear WhatsApp Support Team,
I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to urgently request the unbanning of my WhatsApp account(phone number: +[Your Phone Number]). My account has been a crucial communication tool for both personal and business purposes, and being unable to access it has caused significant disruptions.
I understand that WhatsApp has strict policies to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all users, and I fully respect those guidelines. However, I believe my account was mistakenly flagged and banned, and I kindly request a quick review of my case.
The communication features of WhatsApp are integral to my daily operations, and losing access to my account has had a major impact on my ability to engage with clients, friends, and family.
I would greatly appreciate it if my case could be expedited, as I rely on this platform for both personal and professional purposes. Please let me know if any further information is required to assist in the review process.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. I look forward to your response and the restoration of my account.
Best regards,
[Your Name]
[Your Phone Number]
[Your WhatsApp Account Information]
- 申诉时中国用户尽量选择下午 4 点左右发邮件,由于时差原因,早上发邮件可能会被忽略掉。
- 不要反复发邮件去催,一般情况下当天会收到回复,未收到回复的建议隔天再发,避免同一个审核员反复审核同一邮件,增加被封号的几率。
- 建议用谷歌邮箱发送申诉邮件,其他国内邮箱容易被忽略掉。
- 如果确实有违反WhatsApp政策的行为,要说明情况认真道歉,降低姿态,还是有机率找回的。
- 解封后需要重新下载WhatsApp程序并更换代理,保证新环境的纯净,避免因被标记而再次被封号。
- 将彼此的手机号批量添加到手机通讯录
- 在手机上给好友发送消息,对方收到消息后回复(对方手机的 WhatsApp 会在手机通讯录中检测该号码是否存在)

